Thursday 6 May 2010

My analysis of Film Poster

Analysis of Film Posterd

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Media Technology

1) We used a number of social sites including FaceBook to collect comments for our teaser and ancillary products.

2) We used the Apple MacBook Pros, to create our teaser trailer and we used garageband that was found on these computers to contrive our music.

3) We used the camcorders to film scenes that we would eventually use in our teaser trailer.

4)We used the blogs to record our progress, to look and analyse other teaser trailers, we used it to look at film posters and magazine covers. We also used our blogs to receive comments for our teaser and ancillary products.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

How does it use

1) we used a mid shot for our magazine cover featuring the main star of our film similar convention used in this Batman magazine.

2)Our poster didn't use any type of fade, neither did we use the same colours. The colours portrayed in law abiding poster are thriller based colours e.g murky blue. We used a dark yellow and black so in this case we challenged this convention.

3 The font used in the knowing film poster is quite striking, we should have used a distinguished font for our film, Most films have their own font. we didn't which was a shame.

4) This is a clip from nightmare on Elm street which shows a victim running away, portraying a sense of fear. This was shown in Sam's scene when he ran away from Usman showing a sense of fear and vulnerability.

5)We challenged this form of a teaser. Many blockbuster teaser trailers' do not feature any clips from the actual film e.g. Spiderman 3 and Dark Knight. Our teaser showed clips that will appear in our film.

6) The colours here are striking in this magazine cover, not many colours were used, similar to our own since we didn't want our magazine too look unattractive.

Sunday 2 May 2010

My analysis of Silent Footsteps

Sam Analysis

Saturday 1 May 2010

Development of our ancillary products

Below are the pictures we took to use them for the delevopment of our ancillary. You will see how we used each of the photographs for our magazine cover and posters.


Monday 12 April 2010

Analysis of our Final film Poster

Us Man

Friday 9 April 2010

Film Poster analysis

There is a Darkness Surrounding the Character.