Sunday 20 September 2009

Categories of teaser trailers

I have done my reasearch on the type of films which make a teaser trailer and these are the categories:
-Adaption of a game e.g. Pokemon Movie 13:Phantom Champion
-Adaption of a book e.g. Superman (Comic book)
-Include a big budget e.g. Pirates of the Carribean
-starring big actors e.g. Men in Black 1 starring Will Smith
-starring big directors e.g. Kill Bill directed by Quentin Tarantino
-Sequels: Spiderman 2

Monday 14 September 2009

Batman Begins

This is the Batman begins teaser where it does feature clips of the film which seems to be more focused on the beginning of the Batman than his enemies, thus the name Batman Begins. The teaser uses various clips from the film, this would entice people to view the film in cinema, allowing the audience to see clips has a strong visual impact, this also creates hype and speculation. Toward the end of the sequence we see flash images of Batman, which again does demonstrate what teasers are suppose to do; not to reveal too much.In this case it was the image of Batman, becuase the audince didn't catch a clear image of Batman, this would put the audince in suspense and make them look out vigilantly for the next trailer, which would hopefully reveal more of the plot and of Batman.

Dark Knight Trailer

This is the Dark Knbight Teaser trailer which does not feature any footage from the film but we do hear actor's voices. The first half of the sequence starts with a dialogue bewtween Bruce and his bulter, where they talk about a mob who have crossed the line, we see flashes of light in the sequence. Bruce's bulter then warns him of a man "who they (the mob) do not fully understand". At that time it is not clear who the Bulter is talking about but then we are given a big clue when another voiceover is introduced. At the introduction of the additional voice we see a full picture of the batman sign, which then crumbles to pieces as this voice starts to talk about people dying, this culd signfy that this film may see the end of Batman and this voice could reveal the identity of the person who will put the end to Batman. Although we do not see an image of the last person talking, the audience could easily identify him as The Joker due the evil but daunting laugh which we hear at 0:45, we then see a Joker card re-instating who the last voice belonged to. The last two scenes show the title of the film and release date. This was done since the film is a highly anticpated film, so it was very likely that the date would be shown.

Terminator 4 Teaser Trailer

This film is a continuation from the previous Terminator Film, The Teaser shows the names of stars and some clips from the upcoming film. The teaser trailer begins with a non-diegetic voiceover, which portrays a voice of vigilance but also of disapointment, we can clearly identify this by the words used "this isn't the futre my mother warned me about... and in this future I don't know if we can win." We then see various scences which highlights the theme of destruction and danger, the cuts are also by the sounds breakage in transmission, which does highlights that this film is a sci-fi film. At 0:40 we hear drums being intoduced in the sequence which get the audience adrnaline pumping with excitement, this was probably the reason of the drums being inseted. We then see "THE END BEGINS" in three seperate black screens for each word which gives the audince enough time to take in these words. The font used in the teaser is of bruised metallic, which does highlight the theme of war and probabaly technology. The Final scene shows an individual turn around to be faced with a robot, which may reveal who the battle will be between, in this case Robots and Humans.

Toy Story teaser

As you can see Toy Story 1 and 2 were hugely successful receiving many positive reviews. The teaser trailer re-introduces all the characters from the previous films.

The teaser trailer starts with a close up of the green soldiers, this close up was used to show that these green soldiers are actually 'bigger' than what the human eyes perceive, in other words they are seen in previous film that they play big roles despite their small stature, but then their size is highly emphasised when the next shot shows Woody's long legs, next to the small green soldiers. The next shots shows various characters' from the previous Toy Story installments. We see Woody as the overseer of the Toy Story characters. Funny with this trailer is that we see character's attributes portrayed. Take for example Rex who is a warm hearted dinosaur but he is mentally slow, we realize this when Rex says "I'm so excited" then Woody says that "you are going the wrong way" again reinstating that Woody is there to demonstrate order as the Helmer. In the same trailer we see Mrs and Mr patotoe bickering which was often illustrated in the previous Toy Story films. We see Hamm being pulled in a cart by a solider, highlighting that Hamm is quite a lazy toy. The next shot shows the title "Toy Story 3" which is portrayed by the various materials which was carried by the Toys, the final products does look rather unprofessional, but then we again see Woody's character as a person who encourages, he congratulates the toys on their work. He then bumps into Buzz who shows off his Toy Story 3 sign which look quite exquisite, where all the toys are at awe, but Woody is reluctant to congratulate Buzz, actually the first thing Woody says is of criticism of Buzz's work, which highlights there is a rivalry between Buzz and Woody nevertheless the rivals are actually good friends, this is highlighted in the final scene, where Buzz encourages Woody to put up the letters which read June 18 2010, which is the release date we then see an 'updated' version of the release date which was stimulated by Buzz, it seems that whatever Woody does, Buzz performs the same task in such sophistication and awe. However these two characters are very close in terms of friends.