Friday 29 January 2010

Editing Session 4

Editing is a very long process; we foresaw this from our previous editing tasks four our AS projects, therefore we made sure we had filmed additional clips to make our editing easier. Our last lesson we recieved valuable tips from our teacher; he said teaser trailers are under a minute long which is very true from the previous teaser we watched in class and in our spare time. Another valid point he made was that teaser trailers have shorter and faster clips.

We lacked faster/shorter clips and our teaser was over a minute. Our teaser trailer was over 1 minute 11 seconds including title pages e.g. adaptation, production company etc. We had to make our clips shorter, we reduced the time between the three black screens which contained our tagline so the audience won't forget it, we also removed some clips which proved not to be an easy task, sometimes there were disagreements. By doing this the teaser started slow then increase in pace which was our objective during the lesson, now our teaser was 59 seconds. We probably need one more session then we will be officially done with editing.

Thursday 28 January 2010

Editing session 3

We did some more editing today where we started to add our fades and black screens, we also shortened some more clips.

Like I said before Nicholas had a great idea of showing each victim being followed by Cain (Usman Shiekh). We started editing the scenes beginning with my scene which fades into Mark's scene. We also added three seperate black screens showing the tag line.

1st Black Screen - What would you do...
2nd Black Screen - ...if your past...
3rd Black Screen - ...came back to haunt you?

By the end of the lesson the teaser was 1 minute 11 seconds which was good. It was a very productive session as our teaser started to look like a real teaser, our work was greatly commended by our fellow class mates. One person said "hey I love the way you show Usman as a mysterious character who appears in each person's life (me, Nicholas and Mark). This makes Usman look creepy and shady"

Saturday 16 January 2010

Editing session 2

Recently we had our second session on editing, it was hard to get use to the new laptops but thanks to some youtube videos we later got the hang of the new software. We started the lesson by making folders and placing our clips inside of them. From that we were able to put our best clips together.

Once we put our clips together we found out that the duration of the teaser was too long over 1:30 which is not good as from research we had taken previously showed that teasers are meant to be under a minute. We started to delete unnecessary scenes which did cut our teaser to 1 minute 10 seconds excluding the black fades and black screens, adding these would add valuabe seconds to our teaser. Our aim was to make our teaser at least 42 seconds

My colleague Nicholas came up with a very good idea; that the teaser should show the killer following his victims simultaneously, this will portray fear and mystery into our teaser. We haven't finished editing so we may need another lesson to continue.