Wednesday 31 March 2010

Audience feedback #2

Here are some more comments from our Facebook accounts of our teaser trailer.

audice f

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Final Magazine covers

28578564 Final Magazine Presentation[1]

Here we have came up with two final magazine covers, the first one is showing a mid-shot of Usman body alongside with picture giveaways and exclusive interviews. The next magazine cover shows a close up of Usman face with various competitions and interviews. My favourite magazine cover will be the first one; I say this becuase there is just 'more' to observe on the cover, enticing the customers to buy the magazine. But the audience feedback would be the deciding factor for our final magazine cover. We will be recieving comments for our magazine covers on Facebook and Hotmail.

Please leave comments

Audience feedback for our teaser #1

Currently we are conducting an audience feedback for our teaser on our personal facebook accounts. Below you should see some of the comments we recieved for our teaser trailer. Please leave comments.


Audience Feedback on our magazine covers

We also conducted a survey on our Facebook accounts of which magazine cover people preferred the most. We had two final magazine covers which we wanted people to choose between, below we have our two final magazine covers and the order they go in and below that are the individual's verdicts.

28578564 Final Magazine Presentation[1]

Audicne Feedback Mag

Sunday 28 March 2010

Final Shooting Plan

Final Shooting Plan

Final Pitch

Final Pitch

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Audience Feedback

On our YouTube account we have enabled people to leave comments, so far we have receive positive comments. From youngerlife: '' like this man keep it up. God bless.'' this is only one of a few of the positive comments we have received for our youtube video. We also shared the teaser trailer on the social network Facebook, where we have received a lot of constructive comments. From one person: " nyc work... love the way u edited the film.." from here we see that our teaser trailer is really good but we are yet waiting to receive comments on how to improve, it's always best to get the balance right between positive and negative comments, we would rather receive more positive comments but we know that our teaser trailer is not perfect so we need comments highlighting this i.e. constructive criticism

Please leave comments


Here is our finished teaser. We have put it up on youtube in order to receive constructive criticism.P

Please leave comments

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Music for our teaser

A few weeks ago, we had our first lesson to create the music for our teaser trailer. The music editing software on the AppleMac Pro is called 'Garageband.' Similar to the editing of our teaser we were a bit baffled at this 'garageband' software because we had never used this programme before. Our teacher showed us an instructional video from the Internet. We were then able to grasp this new software, we started to look at different types of drums beats and Piano melodies which could be used for our teaser. We planned to use the piano for the beginning of our teaser to portray mystery and vulnerability where the piano would play a slow melodious sound, then around 0:27, the drums were introduced to speed up the cuts and tempo, we also used shakers to maintain the tempo of the music. The construction of the teaser took about 5-7 lessons. We have now officially finished the making of our teaser and we are very proud of it. Below is a clip of the music we created for our teaser trailer.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Creation of Magazine covers

Nicholas is half way through the magazine covers, we have already seen one completed, which is the magazine cover where we see the close up of Usman face, but now Nicholas is creating the magazine cover which used the mid shot of Usman Body.


Sunday 14 March 2010

Potential film Posters unveiled

Final Poster Presentation

Here we came up with five film posters all with potential. We are now leaving it to the audience to decide which poster they find more appealing, then we shall choose our final film poster.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Pictures for our Ancillary products