Thursday 17 December 2009

Editing first session

We started editing but this was a bit difficult because we were using the MacBook Pro which none of my group members have used before. We were experimenting with the new Mac for about half an hour. To help us a bit my teacher showed us iMovie tutorials which was very beneficial to our group.

Here is a example of an iMovie tutorial.

From today's lesson we got to understand and how to use new editing software

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Third Day of Filming

Stockwell Pictures

Above are photographic images of the location we used for the day's filming.

Location: in a house (stockwell)

Nicholas: Actor
Usman: actor, cameraman
Mark: cameraman, photgrapher

My group have now finished filming all the scenes for our teaser trailer, the final scene we filmed was inside Nicholas's house, where Nicholas (Lee) is being stalked around the house by Usman (Cain). My group came up with many ideas prior to the filming but came up with more ideas while filming at Nicholas's house as they were able to view their filming. Unfortunately I was unable to help out my team as I had lesson during the time of filming. They did tell me some of the shots they took; one shot that sounded interested was a mid angle shot of Nicholas sitting on a couch and Usman walks behind him unnoticed which created the theme mystery and cunningness around our character Cain. Also whilst filming, there was a use of a high angle shot, where we saw Nicholas walking into his estate being watched by Cain, which create a theme of vulnerability around Nicholas.

Friday 11 December 2009


The Name of our film has been decided. Allocating a name for our film was a bit difficult we came up with:

-Echo of Silence: which was our first choice then we relized that the title had really little to do with our film, when you mention "echo of Silence" it sounds like a film involveing sophisticated sound systems and bugging machines and our film did not involve these props.

-Red Ribbon: This was also a good title but we then relized this won't attract the audience as it sounds a bit dull.

-Silent Pursuit: This title again didn't match with the plot of our film.

But now we have came up with the title 'Silent Footsteps' as it is very relevant to the plot of our film. We have decided on the title, our main focus now is on getting the filming finished and starting on the magazine cover and poster.

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Clothes I wore on the day of filming

My costume which i wore for the teaser trailer included: a black shirt, Black tie, Black Trousers, Black Jumper and a black jacket. I wore this to represent me as a successful young man coming from work. Using the different type of conventions i.e. the work clothes, we showed a different representation of a young black man from that of the media; sometimes the media portrays young people as yobs and thugs but in our teaser trailer I was portrayed as a young successful black man.
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Second day of filming

Here are the pictures on the locations featuring Tom (Mark)

Southside Carpark Pictures

Location:Wandsworth Southside Car Park

Nicholas: Cameraman
Mark: Actor, Photographer
Usman: Actor

Here are photographic images of the location which would be featured in Mark's scenes

My group started the second phase of filming,unfortunately I couldn't help out in the filming because I was preparing for January exams.

But my group gave me a recap of the days events:
Today filming concentrated on Tom (Mark Ahmed) being followed by Lucifer (Usman Sheikh). The filming venue was Southside car park, this was known as a good location as the location looked dark as there was a balance from the ambient lighting from outside and the artificial lighting from inside, giving us that thriller effect. My group took different types of shots e.g. close up, low angle shot, long shot; From my previous research on teasers, many thrillers/horrors had shown different shots so we knew that we needed to take a diverse range of shots for our teaser to look realistic.

1st Day of filiming

Tooting Pictures

Above is a photographic image of the location we used for the first day of filming

Location: Chetwode Road, Holdemesse Road and Trinity Cresent (Tooting)

Sam: Actor
Mark: Camera man, Photographer
Nicholas: Camera man
Usman: Actor

Recently we started filming for our teaser trailer. We filmed my sequence where I catch sightings of what seems to be a ghostly serial killer (usman Sheikh). Weather conditions was not the best but I think it added that thriller theme to our filming. we used numerous camera shots e.g. mid shot, long shot, over the shoulder shot and a close up shot, the many shots we took will enhanced the quality of our teaser which will make editing easier for us. We are hoping to film Mark's scenes tomorrow. This was a perfect location since this was a quiet road meaning, there would be very little interruptions. One thing I have valued of my group is our organisation and our time management; this has helped us get our filming done aT the most convenient times for us.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Saw VI

This is the teaser trailer for the latest Installment in the Saw franchise, the Saw VI teaser trailer had a very different format from the previous Saw Teasers; where we would see the infamous guy wearing a mask talking to the audience but this teaser consists of numerous clips from the new film, the director of the teaser took a very different approach this may signify that the film itself is going to be much different from its predecessors but the concepts will be the same i.e. fear, terror and death. Thanks for reading please Comment.


Today in our Media lesson; me and Mark looked at potential ideas for our film posters and magazines, we took some ideas from other forms of media and we came up with some good concepts for our poster and magazine, which will need to be fed back to the other members of the group. We also came up with another title for our film, we relized that "echo of silence" (which was the first choice title for our film) is more approriate for a film which consists of sophisticated sound bugs and sound equipment, so Mark came up with the title 'Silent footstep' which sounded really good but again we will need to feed back to the other members of the group. We are planning to film tomorrow so hopefully by the end of Next week we will have the filming sorted.