Tuesday 15 December 2009

Third Day of Filming

Stockwell Pictures

Above are photographic images of the location we used for the day's filming.

Location: in a house (stockwell)

Nicholas: Actor
Usman: actor, cameraman
Mark: cameraman, photgrapher

My group have now finished filming all the scenes for our teaser trailer, the final scene we filmed was inside Nicholas's house, where Nicholas (Lee) is being stalked around the house by Usman (Cain). My group came up with many ideas prior to the filming but came up with more ideas while filming at Nicholas's house as they were able to view their filming. Unfortunately I was unable to help out my team as I had lesson during the time of filming. They did tell me some of the shots they took; one shot that sounded interested was a mid angle shot of Nicholas sitting on a couch and Usman walks behind him unnoticed which created the theme mystery and cunningness around our character Cain. Also whilst filming, there was a use of a high angle shot, where we saw Nicholas walking into his estate being watched by Cain, which create a theme of vulnerability around Nicholas.