Friday 11 December 2009

Second day of filming

Here are the pictures on the locations featuring Tom (Mark)

Southside Carpark Pictures

Location:Wandsworth Southside Car Park

Nicholas: Cameraman
Mark: Actor, Photographer
Usman: Actor

Here are photographic images of the location which would be featured in Mark's scenes

My group started the second phase of filming,unfortunately I couldn't help out in the filming because I was preparing for January exams.

But my group gave me a recap of the days events:
Today filming concentrated on Tom (Mark Ahmed) being followed by Lucifer (Usman Sheikh). The filming venue was Southside car park, this was known as a good location as the location looked dark as there was a balance from the ambient lighting from outside and the artificial lighting from inside, giving us that thriller effect. My group took different types of shots e.g. close up, low angle shot, long shot; From my previous research on teasers, many thrillers/horrors had shown different shots so we knew that we needed to take a diverse range of shots for our teaser to look realistic.