Saturday 27 February 2010

Update of film posters

Final g

We have started the creation of our film poster, at this point we have finished our final product but we are still creating the other four film posters. The final film poster is quite excellent, the colours chosen is brilliant, there is a use of low key lighting, really making Usman look dark and mysterious in the background, and Sam face portrays fear, which is a great combination.

A nightmare on Elm Street Film Poster

I have looked at this film poster; this really interested me due to the simplicity of the layout; the film poster shows what seen to be Freddy Krueger bending his head down smirking; this poster reveals just one image which is Freddy highlighting that Freddy is coming back for vengegance or to kill, we could tell by the dimly lit background which highlights darkness and danger, also we see a glimpse of the legendary razor sharp gloves signifying the theme Death.

Magazine cover research

Undergoing further research into magazine covers, I0 have came up with the following recomendations to ensure a sucessful movie magazine cover:

>The maximum of font to be used is 3 ; if too many fonts are used this would confuse readers and will make the magazine cover look unpresentable
>Backgrounds have a bleed affect; this is done so the image will blend in and the cover will not look very basic.
>There must be a main focal pont; this is done to get readers attention; the main focal point most times is a main character from the reviewed film.
>Date and price is clearly labelled; this is done so the magazine looks professional and up-to-date
>The front cover must not be biased in other words it must show clearly that the whole magazine is not only focused on the film that is appears on the front cover;

Phone Booth

This film poster really caught my eye as discussed before, hear we see te terror on the victims face, this is what needs to be portrayed on our poster.

Friday 26 February 2010

StoryBoard (Final)

Final Storyboard

This was suppose to be the final idea for our teaser but there was a few changes which I will brief you on:

1) the first square shows me, Mark and Nicholas playing football, we decided not to include this in our teaser, this would make our teaser a bit tacky so the idea was withdrawn.

2) Different types of shots were changed, this was decided on the day of filming which made our teaser more professional

3) the order of clips was also changed, we did this to cleverly show Usman stalking his victims simultaneously, to give the impression to the audience that Usman was everywhere, also we had to alter the order because we were to make the middle of our sequence the fastest, therefore we decided to place all the 'action' clips in the middle of our sequence.

Please leave comment if you think that we should have continued with our storybord idea.

Monday 15 February 2010

Our Trip to CLC

Draft Magazine & Poster

Our Trip to CLC

Recently we went to the CLC to learn how to use photshop, the skills we were going to acquire was going to help us with the creation of our magazines and front covers:

While at the CLC we learned:
>How to cut pictures out
>How to use different fonts
>How to fade pictures in and out
>How to create a glow on a piece of text
>How to use the gradient tool
>How to put a glow on pictures

These valuable skills will enable us to create professional looking posters and magazine covers. The skills we learned was put into practise while at the CLC and we came up with the above idea for our magazine cover.

From our previous magazine cover research, we knew that our main focal point had to be on one person; we enlarged a picture of Usman face and started to play around with the tools we found on photoshop, we also started to create the poster as well. We may continue editing with the above magazine front cover and poster or we may come up with another idea. Only time will tell. Watch this space.

Please leave comments.

Friday 12 February 2010

Poster ideas

Poster Ideas

Here are some drafts we drew up for our Poster ideas, these drawing are not great but we didn't want to waste time creating perfected pictures, as we had a lot to do in terms of creation of music, creation of magazine cover. Nicholas came up with an idea to ensure our film poster will be successfully, he recommended that we should make at the maximum three final film posters, so from this we can choose the best one, which I thought was a good idea.

Watch this Space to find out our three final posters.

Friday 5 February 2010

Forth and final Editing session

Yesterday Me and Mark continued looking at potential poster ideas, we drew our ideas on paper, we came up with a number of ideas including:

> Usman face enlarged at the background, while me, Mark and Nicholas was playing football.

> an enlarged picture of a red footprint to reflect our title 'silent footsteps'

> Usman standing at the front while me, Mark and Nicholas are standing at the back

Nicholas briefed me on the latest with the editing on our teaser; the clips needed to be quicker, the names of directors and actors had to be added, a decision on the production name and make sure our teaser didn't go over a minute. We wanted to make the middle of the sequence the fastest section in our teaser, this required cutting the clips down to 1-1.5 seconds.

My colleagues were then able to insert the black screens allowing them to write the directors and actors name and their achievements within the black screens. The name of the director was Diego DeMoro, a Golden Globe winner for the film 'Around The Corner' Usman Sheikh an Academy Award winner, this was done as a selling point since this was going to be our first film, we wanted to entice people to watch these big stars at work.

We came up with the Production name EAGLE productions.

Finally, we have finished editing our teaser trailer which lasted for 56 seconds including the black screens. We were delighted so far on how the teaser trailer turned out but the next phase will be the creation of the music.

Watch this Space

Pictures from our Teaser

Here are some pictures from our teaser trailer, we are still tweaking a few bits and the Final product will come out soon. Watch this space.

Please Leave comments

Film Poster research

For a couple of weeks now, I have undertaken thourough film Poster research; I have been looking at the internet which has become a valuable resource for my research, I looked at google images and IMP awards; this has given me confidence into making a compelling film poster:

To produce a successful film poster:

>It should have the main focus being emphasised on the image which stands out on the poster.

> include the following: actors, producers, directors, production companies, distribution companies, photgraphers, music producers, film name and release date (I must add that not all of the film posters I looked at had all the above e.g. sequels to Big Blockbuster films, this is because many people will know most of the information prior to the release, the selling point in this case would be the image)

> The theme of the poster reflects the title of the film

>The font should also reflect the theme of the film

> Many new films had quotations from critics or newspapers, this was done to entice skeptical or potential customer to go to the cinema to watch their films.

Thank you for reading. Please leave comments

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Poster ideas

Me and my colleagues are now thinking of potential poster ideas which is proving to be very productive, we came up with many ideas which could be our final product. The first part of our session included browsing on the Internet to look at other film posters, two posters caught my eye which was wolfman and phone booth; both film were thrillers similar to ours but one aspect I was very interested in was that both poster showed a person/persons looking terrified which we will indeed look to imitate for our own posters.