Saturday 27 February 2010

Magazine cover research

Undergoing further research into magazine covers, I0 have came up with the following recomendations to ensure a sucessful movie magazine cover:

>The maximum of font to be used is 3 ; if too many fonts are used this would confuse readers and will make the magazine cover look unpresentable
>Backgrounds have a bleed affect; this is done so the image will blend in and the cover will not look very basic.
>There must be a main focal pont; this is done to get readers attention; the main focal point most times is a main character from the reviewed film.
>Date and price is clearly labelled; this is done so the magazine looks professional and up-to-date
>The front cover must not be biased in other words it must show clearly that the whole magazine is not only focused on the film that is appears on the front cover;