Friday 5 February 2010

Forth and final Editing session

Yesterday Me and Mark continued looking at potential poster ideas, we drew our ideas on paper, we came up with a number of ideas including:

> Usman face enlarged at the background, while me, Mark and Nicholas was playing football.

> an enlarged picture of a red footprint to reflect our title 'silent footsteps'

> Usman standing at the front while me, Mark and Nicholas are standing at the back

Nicholas briefed me on the latest with the editing on our teaser; the clips needed to be quicker, the names of directors and actors had to be added, a decision on the production name and make sure our teaser didn't go over a minute. We wanted to make the middle of the sequence the fastest section in our teaser, this required cutting the clips down to 1-1.5 seconds.

My colleagues were then able to insert the black screens allowing them to write the directors and actors name and their achievements within the black screens. The name of the director was Diego DeMoro, a Golden Globe winner for the film 'Around The Corner' Usman Sheikh an Academy Award winner, this was done as a selling point since this was going to be our first film, we wanted to entice people to watch these big stars at work.

We came up with the Production name EAGLE productions.

Finally, we have finished editing our teaser trailer which lasted for 56 seconds including the black screens. We were delighted so far on how the teaser trailer turned out but the next phase will be the creation of the music.

Watch this Space